Thursday, July 10, 2008

cleanin' up and marryin' up

Sorry for the lite posting lately. It's been a doozy of a week. Here's my random thoughts:

--This is dumb.,2933,379842,00.html

-- I was shocked by the revelation today that the Ramsey's have been officially cleared of all possible charges in the death of their daughter, Jon Benet. Its really interesting, they used DNA evidence to officially exonerate every member of the Ramsey family. The perpetrator was an unknown male, who's time is getting short. . . as they say. I must say, that until yesterday, I always thought it was Patsy Ramsey in the back of my head. But, it just proves that you never know, and it was a tragedy that she lived under this cloud until her death in 2006 from cancer. Good job, Boulder P.D.. . I've been critical in the past.

-- Jesse Jackson is irrelevant. Barack Obama actually proves that.

--I must say, I'd love to go to Invesco to hear Obama's acceptance speech. What a brilliant move on the part of Obama's campaign. He'll be delivering his acceptance speech on the anniversary of MLK's "I have a dream" speech. This is like a 1,000 on the hype/momentum scale.

Barack Obama has the distinction of being one of the few candidates, ever, for whom people WANT to win, even if they won't vote for him and disagree with his policies. His candidacy stands for so much, and he's a brilliant public speaker. That's a pretty tall mountain to climb for McCain. Even some of McCain's supporters would celebrate an Obama win because of all that it stands for.

--I'm excited about Team USA basketball. I think we're finally going to get the gold medal back this year. That's a whole 'nother blog, which will come during the Olympics.

--The new cd is going well. It has a much more raw, real, emotive vibe than our last album. We're three songs in. We're shooting for a Christmas release.

--Heavenfest is July 26th. 519 is playing, and we're very excited. We're on the worship stage (there are 7 stages) at 1 pm. Come check it out!

--Most importantly. . . today is Jody's and my 9th wedding anniversary. It has, without question been and amazing and unbelievable 9 years. I really have trouble remembering what life was like, pre-Jody. At the same time, it seems like we got married last week. . . I remember the day very well. So, when folks ask, "does it seem that long?" I say, "no, . . longer, and shorter". I'm weird that way.

But, I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. . .she's helped me through so much, and she makes me a better man than I would be without her, that's for sure. Plus, life was really boring before I met her.

I was really good at a) random sports knowledge b) getting traffic tickets c) thinking I was a good basketball player d) eating fast food e) saying stupid things (still working on that one) f)filing everything on the floor and under my bed g) listening to bad Christian music h) being a triva nerd (yes, I was on quiz bowl team). . . the terrible list goes on. Needless to say, life has become much, much better.

So, happy anniversary Jody!
Thanks for letting me be your husband!