Monday, January 17, 2011

Lynx on Parenting

There's been some absolutely fabulous posts this past week on parenting. Jody and I have talked alot about it recently, and others seem to be working through various issues on the topic.

Here's some great stuff:

--This post from Paul Tripp is part of his upcoming book on parenting. First off, you should RSS, or subscribe to him on twitter. Secondly, check out this article. (and his epic mustache) Read the whole thing.

The part that resonates with me the most talks about "taking things personal" that weren't meant that way. From our kids, yes. . but also from other adults. We get this one really wrong in our hyper-offended culture. The kids aren't out to get you. . .they're sinners. Personal offense will only make it worse and probably cause you to sin back at them.

--Typical yoda-level wisdom from Doug Wilson. Wow, . . he's smart. I've thought this very thing, "lowering the standard" for a long time, but I can't ever put it in such a way that doesn't make me sound like a slacker-dad. Enter Doug Wilson. Let's find a level of agreement (on things not specifically pointed out in scripture) that we can work with and strive to excel there. Stop comparing yourself to the dude with 18 kids on TLC. . that's not you, and it's not your family. . .lower the standard.

--This post isn't really about parenting. But, I think this is one of the best blogs my exceedingly hot wife has ever written. This is definitely something to pass on to your daughters. Let me say, from my trip to the mall this weekend, there's nothing quite as ugly as trying a bit too hard on the physical appearance.

Currently I"m cooking up a very long post on "The Social Network" and facebook in general. That movie blew my mind this past weekend. I know, I know, you're all looking forward to it. . .you 5 readers, you. Enjoy some parental wisdom until then.

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